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Ottawa, ON

Reinforced Concrete Round Pipe Reinforced Concrete Round Pipe

Reinforced Concrete Pipe is the most readily available and most cost-efficient of the concrete pipe shapes available.

Full Depth Deck Panels Full Depth Deck Panels

Full depth deck panels are a viable, cost effective and time saving alternatives to cast-in place deck panels and may be used for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic rated bridges. […]

Precast Circular or Rectangular Storm and Sanitary Maintenance Holes Precast Circular or Rectangular Storm and Sanitary Maintenance Holes

Precast Circular Maintenance Holes are used in: Sanitary sewer and storm drain systems for access, observation and junctions Pump stations, wet wells, stormwater management structures and overflow structures. Precast Circular […]

Precast Headwalls and Wingwalls Precast Headwalls and Wingwalls

Headwalls and Wingwalls are produced to finish and secure the ends of pipe, box culverts and bridge sections. They are designed to function together with the conduit to provide a […]

Precast Inlets and Catch Basins Precast Inlets and Catch Basins

Precast Inlets and Catch Basins include Curb Inlets, Drop Inlets and Catch Basins. They are intended to collect surface runoff from roadways, parking lots and other surfaces and deliver it […]

Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts – Canada Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts – Canada

Precast Box Culverts are ideal for situations where depth or height restrictions demand wide, shallow conduits to handle required flows, as well as: Installations where circular or elliptical concrete pipe […]

Protective Lining Systems Protective Lining Systems

Rinker Materials can engineer and install a concrete protective liner that offers unbeatable protection for almost any application. It not only protects concrete from bacterial and chemical damage, but it’s […]