Stormceptor EF/EFO

The Stormceptor EFO/EF is designed to protectwaterways from hazardous material spills &stormwater pollution. The Stormceptor EFO/EF effectively targets sediment (TSS), free oils, gross pollutants & other pollutants that attach toparticles, such as nutrients & metals.The Stormceptor EFO/EF unit is independentlytested & ISO14034 ETV verified. The patentpending treatment & scour prevention platformensures pollutants are captured & contained during all rainfall events. The Stormceptor EFO/EF offers design flexibility in one structure, having the capability to treat flow from a single inlet pipe,multiple inlet pipes, & from the surface through an inlet grate. Stormceptor EFO/EF can also accommodate a 90-degree inlet to outlet bendangle, & accommodate tailwater conditions.


  • Easy to install
  • TSS Removal
  • ETV Verified

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Stormceptor EFO/EF

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