Xstream Retention System gives the design engineer a fast, easy, accurate and trusted method for designing and estimating precast concrete box detention and retention systems utilizing conventional OPSS 1821 box units, placed horizontally or vertically depending on the site conditions.
Buried precast concrete stormwater detention and retention structures have become critical elements of the 21st century stormwater management that accommodates low impact development (LID) and contributes to sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) in a time of climate change and extreme weather conditions.
- Precast detention/retention systems mitigate the overload of downstream storm water pipelines.
- Xstream can accommodate access opening for inspections and maintenance.
- Design and manufactured in accordance to OPSS 1821 for CHBDC truck loading.
- Xstream can be used in combination with Rinker Materials storm water quality products, such as Stormceptor(STC/EF/EFO) and Jellyfish Filtration Systems.
- Grated inlets can be accommodated.
- Boxes are joined at several locations to avoid surcharging and equalize the water level throughout the entire structure.
- An Xstream estimator program for optimizing price with volume is available.
- Standard sizes of dry cast concrete boxes for high quality and short delivery lead-time.
- Multiple box units can be delivered to site for assembly in a single day meeting the accelerated precast construction method.
- Combinations of vertical and/or horizontal assembly determined by space and storage volume.
- Multiple uses of space above the buried structure for ICI development or additional residential lots.