Florida’s I-4 Ultimate Project

This major initiative has reduced congestion across the surrounding counties in the Orlando metropolitan area that leads into the heart of downtown Orlando.

Orlando, FL
I-4 Mobility Partners
SGL (Skanska, Granite and Lane joint venture)

The Challenge

Florida’s I-4 Ultimate Project had been a major initiative to reduce congestion across the surrounding counties in the Orlando metropolitan area that leads into the heart of downtown Orlando. This major traffic corridor feeds the pathways to Orlando’s most famous tourist attractions, providing additional capacity along the busy 21-mile section of Interstate 4. Under a public-private partnership, I-4 Mobility Partners designed, built, and financed the project. I-4 Mobility Partners will operate the new section over a 40-year concession.

 The Florida Department of Transportation will administer all-electronic tolling for the managed routes. Construction commenced in 2015 and reached some important milestones in 2020.

The Solution

A complete reconstruction of I-4 within the existing right-of-way for the I-4 Express lanes spanning the 21-mile section opened on February 26th, 2022. Four new express lanes, two in each direction, will be added to the center of I-4. Motorists have the option to enter the lanes, two in each direction, via limited access points to more reliably get where they need to go.

Due to the Design Build aspects of the projects and deep fills, Rinker Materials worked closely with the “Group” to ensure timely delivery and close coordination given the site limitations along the I-4 Corridor.

The Project received the Platinum Envision Award. Nearly all the concrete and steel removed from the old road and bridges was recycled. And recycled materials are being used wherever practical in new construction. Now completed, the I-4 project will play a significant role in enhancing both safety and mobility for I-4 users and reduce travel times in the heart of Florida.

Project Timeline

The Rinker Advantage

Rinker Materials, A Quikrete company, supplied reinforced concrete pipe and box culverts that consisted of Class III concrete pipe up to 96” in diameter, Class IV up to 60” and some Class V. Awarded to I-4 Mobility Partners, whose Lead Contractor was SGL (Skanska, Granite and Lane joint venture).

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